Friday, June 27, 2008


It appears that the number of days that you're on vacation, is equivalent to the number of pounds you'll gain. While vacationing in Baja California, I felt I was eating pretty good. I was never gouging myself with ding dongs and cookies, rather I was eating cereal for breakfast, salads and sandwiches for lunch, and dinner was typically some meat, fruit and salad. Sure I was eating a cookie here and there, and not eating healthy snacks between the main meals, but I gained 5.5 lbs in 5 days. Perhaps the extreme humidity and heat were to blame. Maybe my body was retaining as much water as possible in order to keep itself hydrated, but when I came home and stepped on the scale Thursday morning, I wasn't expecting to see 200.5 lbs.

I went back on Phase 1 and hit the gym after work, and thankfully this morning I'm 197.0 lbs. I have a feeling I'll drop the extra weight pretty quick as soon as I purge all that evil food I was eating, but my body sure is sensitive to any kind of changes in carb and sugar intake. Perhaps this is why Phase 2 has you slowly implementing good carbs and fruit back into your system. All is not lost of course. I'm not so discouraged that I'm giving up, and this will definitely go down as a learning experience.

Next time I'll be sure and stay away from breads and pastas and force myself to do some kind of light exercise (even if I'm on vacation). Maybe it's all water weight and I shouldn't worry about it. *shrug*

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