Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I'm up a pound this week and am not surprised. Last week was crazy and I went to the gym twice and didn't really watch what I ate (ok, I watched myself eat a lot of crap). I'm back on schedule this week as I went to the gym yesterday and plan to go today.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I weighed 193.5 - 9lbs less than when I started. Not bad! I'm currently doing a modified version of the South Beach Diet which basically means I try to avoid any and all white flour (bread, rice, pasta), sugars, and starches like potatoes. I do tend to cheat a little here and there, but as long as I continue to slowly lose weight, I think I'm ok.

Gym-wise, I've stepped up my normal workout routine and am pushing much heavier weight. I use an excel spreadsheet to keep track of my workout and at the top of the form, you enter in your max bench press and squat. The first time I went through the 10 week program, I used 135lbs as my max bench and 155 as my max squat. After completing the 10th week, I actually tested my real max's and it turned out I can bench 175 and squat 210. So inputing those at the top changes a bunch of numbers around and now I'm much more sore after workouts :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekly update

Just checking in with all my e-friends and fans. Stepped on the scale this morning and came in at 195.5. Not too bad, not too good, but hey, it's better than where I started!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Down roughly 7... inches

Well my weight loss isn't exactly dropping like it used to. Monday I was 197.0, Tuesday I was 199.0, and today I'm 196.0, but I am losing inches around the belly. Tuesday morning, I took measurements of my neck, arms, torso, and legs, and from the time I started South Beach, to yesterday, I've lost a total of 7 inches throughout my body - most of it in the belly region. My arms and legs were about the same, but there's been some definite improvements in the mid area. As long as I keep that trend, I don't care what my weight is.